We feel that quality coffee is something that should easily be accessible, friendly and reliable. This simple idea is what moves us everyday to provide refreshing roasts every single day consistently.
"The idea of Mingmitr started from a dilemma around 20 years ago while running a small restaurant and having a 'coffee corner', wondering how coffee is made and how can we take it to another level by learning and procuring the knowledge behind every step."
EST 2002
To our best friends....
We have a belief that everything is born to live with each other, whether it be people, animals, things or trees. They are born to be like companions or good friends.
The story of the emergence of one coffee bean, until it becomes a drink; A glass of fragrant aroma that is passed on to our friends & loved ones is the same...
From coffee beans that are fertilized to seedlings through nurturing care to grow stronger until the flowering and fruiting amidst the forest floor of Mother Nature that co-exists with wild animals, insects that are both big and small; And when the coffee cherry is fully ripe and ready to be harvested, only the perfect fruit is selected to be meticulously processed.
Precise attention is given to the raw beans that are waiting to get roasted by experts who understand and cherish the process behind every step. A life-long experience and knowledge put forth into its roasting to derive the perfect aroma and derive the complete flavor. It is only then that this process moves forward to becoming everyone's favorite cup of coffee. Born from baristas who truly grasp this notion of understanding in addition to their professional expertise that they deliver this story; This story that embraces our core values of being the "drink of friends".
We appreciate every intention and the beauty along the way that lead to good and everlasting friendships.
That is why we are proud to call ourselves...
Corporate Social Responsibility
We love the community and we love the environment.
Mingmitr gives back to these two elements at every chance we get for its upliftment and betterment. So we have made it our mission ever year to give back through our CSR work.